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Messages : 23
Réputation : 10
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

DHQC forum rules Empty DHQC forum rules

Mon 14 Aug - 15:03
Welcome to Daily HQ Celebs! your forum to share and find all the news of your favorite people. Please read carefully the rules below and register it imperatively to be able to access the whole forum ! We made the site for our members - we want you guys to get the most out of the forum, and what we and our various members have to offer. If you feel like something is missing, feel free to contact us.

01. The forum is exclusively in English. So that everyone understands, thank you for not posting anything in another language.

02. From the moment you are registered you can post in all categories in order to participate actively in filling the forum. Thank you to look before the post that was created to avoid any repetition of subject!

03. We don't tolerate any disrespect to us or our forum members. The politeness is to say 'thank you' to the posts that people will post and that will help you.

- Also if you do not like celebrity, go your way, nasty/disrespectful comments will not be tolerated and you will be banned from the forum.

04. Our forum is public, so it is FORBIDLY prohibited to post / tell any content shocking - pornography, violence, Child Pornography, racism, sexism, ect ..

05. If your account has 2 months of inactivity it will be removed from the forum, we will not clutter inactive members.

06. If you are publishing news, make sure that a description is added to the title (people - details - date (And specify when the photos are MQ))!!

- Do not forget to tag the news you post so that members can find them more easily (ex: #JessicaAlba just below your thumbnails)

- For news where women celebrities are topless, please put the title in red and specify in the title #NSFW so that members know there can be more adult content.

07. The 'Request' sections so that you can ask for the news you are missing is open to all members, however we don't guarantee to always have what you request.

- In this section please specify all the information you have so that we can answer your request ! A MQ photo would be required.

08. For each post please don't tell any of your sources (or ask members), they must remain confidential to avoid any traceability. We would also like the pictures posted on the forum not to be shared on other forums.

09. Members are allowed only one account. If you share your account it will be deleted directly.

- So don't create multiple accounts as we will be and if you change IP, please specify it in private message under penalty of having an unwanted account deletion.

Thank you.
~ Daily HQ Celebs staff
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